The Fourth Transatlantic Exchange in Oncology: Radiopharmaceutical Therapy Meets Oncology
With novel radiopharmaceutical therapies entering clinical trials and into clinical practice, the 2025 Transatlantic Exchange in Oncology will focus on bringing together key experts from Boston, USA and Paris, France to highlight the latest advances in the application of these targeted agents for oncology. The 1-day event will deliver a comprehensive overview of this highly competitive and dynamic area within the R&D landscape, enabling attendees to understand cutting-edge research as well as the challenges in bringing these therapies to routine clinical application.
The Fourth Transatlantic Exchange in Oncology: Radiopharmaceutical Therapy Meets Oncology
SESSION 1: Precision Oncology & Molecular Imaging: Early Detection and Characterization
Antibody-Based Radiotheranostics for Tumor Characterization and Therapy
Speaker: Fay Nicolson, PhD
Advances in Genitourinary Cancers (Lessons Learned From PSMA)
Speaker: Ronan Flippot, MD
The Model of Breast Cancer: From In Vivo Target to Diagnostic Radiopharmaceutical
Speaker: Théophraste Henry, PhD
Using Imaging to Test Tumor Biology and Heterogeneity
Speaker: Himisha Beltran, MD
Keynote Address
Seeing Beyond VISION: Designing RLT Trials That Yield a Survival Benefit
Speaker: Michael J. Morris, MD, FASCO
SESSION 2: How to Go From Non-Radiolabeled Target to a Radiolabeled Active Product
Are My Target and Probe Suitable for Radiolabeling?
Speaker: Mohammad Rashidian, PhD
Developing Targeted Alpha Therapeutics: Heartbreak of Happily Ever After?
Speaker: Anthony P. Belanger, PhD
The Radiolabeled ADC: The Pharmaceutical Challenges
Speaker: Angelo Paci, PharmD, PhD
The First in Human: How to Deal With Phase I Studies
Speaker: Christophe Massard, MD, PhD
SESSION 3: Future Directions and Latest Clinical Applications
Monitoring and Tumor Assessment Post-Radioligand Therapy
Speaker: Praful Ravi, MB, BChir, MRCP
Strategies to Target the Immune system with Radiolabelled Antibodies
Speaker: Bertrand Kuhnast, MD
The Impact of Molecular Profile on Response to Treatment: The UNLOCK Program
Speaker: Yohann Loriot, MD, PhD
Radiopharmaceuticals in Heme Malignancies: Waldenström Macroglobulinemia
Speaker: Jorge J. Castillo, MD
Radioconjugates Using Small Linear Peptides
Speaker: Kevin Lee, PhD, MBA
SESSION 4: Radioligand Therapies: Academia and Industry Perspectives
Clinical Development of AlphaMedix
Speaker: Amal Saidi, PhD
Challenges in Scaling Up Facilities
Speaker: Désirée Deandreis, MD
Challenges in Scaling Up Production
Speaker: Val Nassiri, PharmD, MBA