L’Institut Servier is a non-profit association under French law. It aims to develop Research in all its forms and contribuate to medical knowledge for patients wellbeing.
Scientific meeting
Laureate symposium
Research Grants
Pasteur-Weizmann-Servier Prize
3rd Transatlantic Exchanges in Oncology : Liquid biopsy as an Emerging Approach in Precision Cancer Medicine
The 3 rd edition of “ Transatlantic Exchanges in Oncology” annual Conference, organized by the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and Gustave Roussy with the support of L’Institut Servier has been held on April 12, 2024 in Boston and livestreamed virtually on Medscape ‘s platform.
This news service is brought to you in partnership with Springer Healthcare’s medwireNews bureau, a part of Springer Nature. medwireNews reviews the major high-impact journals to ensure you’re kept up to date on the latest and most relevant advances in the following therapy areas: Paediatric, Oncology, Neurodegenerative disease, Immuno-Inflammatory