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L’Institut Servier organises national and international meetings and colloquia, most often in partnership with Academic Institutions, University Hospitals and Foundations.

L’Institut Servier supports research and fosters vocations through its research grants programme for young researchers and through prizes, Grants and Donations awarded to research teams, academic institutions and fondations recognised as being of public benefit and whose purpose is to promote medical research.

The activities of L’Institut Servier focus primarily on the following therapeutic areas: oncology, immuno-inflammation, neurodegenerative diseases and paediatric diseases.

L’Institut Servier does not promote the products of Servier.


  • L’Institut Servier is a non-profit association under French law of Servier Group. Its head office is located at 50 rue Carnot, 92284 Suresnes Cedex, France.
  • L’Institut Servier owns 16% of the Servier Group capital stock, and is composed of Benefactor members, Honorary members and Active contributing members (which are Servier Group companies*).
  • The contributions paid annually by the Active contributing members and Benefactor members make up its resources.
  • Its bodies consist of a Board of Directors and a General Assembly.
  • In order to achieve the objectives of the Association, the Board of Directors appoints the Scientific Committee members, the Scientific Committee Chair, and the Managing Director of L’Institut Servier who ensures the smooth running of the Association in conjunction with his team.
Managing Director of L’Institut Servier



Béatrice SOURD


Corinne DULONG

*For more information, consult the Servier Group website

Scientific Committee

L’Institut Servier Scientific Committee is composed of a Chair and permanent members who are renowned in their medical and scientific fields and have practised or continue to practise in University Hospitals in France or abroad.

The members of the Scientific Committee operate on a voluntary basis, are given substantial autonomy and full scientific independence.

Each year the Scientific Committee organises scientific events (colloquia, symposia) in France and abroad, awards mobility grants to young researchers, allocates subsidies or donations to foundations, institutes or associations aimed at promoting medical research, and participates in organising the Pasteur-Weizmann/Servier International Prize which is awarded every 3 years.

Composition of the Scientific Committee :



*The members of the Scientific Committee carry out their duties on a voluntary basis (art. 6 of the internal regulations of L’Institut Servier)